Graphics Consulting & Design

At Precision, we know that an effective multimedia presentation goes far beyond fancy pictures and charts.   Our Graphics Consultants and Design Professionals have extensive training in the scientific foundations of memory and information processing and utilize this knowledge when developing targeted visual demonstratives that enable you to tell your case story clearly and effectively.  Whether your case requires a few key evidence-driven graphics or a comprehensive technology tutorial, Precision Graphics Consultants and Design Professionals can help you present your case story in the most persuasive manner possible.

With a strong foundation in memory research and information processing theory, our team of seasoned experts are skilled in developing presentations that maximize retention and utilization of information by educating your audience and empowering them to judge the evidence.  From explaining complex accounting scandals to walking through technology-based patents or multi-stage medical procedures, our Graphics Consultants and Design Professionals have the expertise and experience to translate your case themes and arguments into an effective and compelling multimedia presentation.

  • Case-Specific Strategic Graphics

    Whether your case deals with a complex accounting scandal or the patented design of a paper clip, we can help you craft a visual message that will support and advance your case story.  From key players charts and process diagrams to analytical timelines and 3-dimensional simulations, Precision can help you make the strongest case in any Corporate, IP, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Securities, Insurance or White Collar case.

  • The "Low Tech" Trial

    While animated tutorials and interactive demonstratives have their rightful places in litigation, not every situation warrants their use.  In some instances, such as single day hearings or conferences, it is neither practical nor advantageous to utilize high-tech approaches. Yet the value of using clear visual aids, such as static boards that highlight key documents or plot out a critical sequence of events, should not be discounted.  At Precision, we are committed to assessing your multimedia needs and work with you to arrive at the most advantageous and cost-effective approaches for trial preparation.

  • Audience & Atmosphere-Specific Graphics For ADR

    At Precision, we know that communicating effectively in litigation often requires an audience-specific approach. While jurors may require extensive educational demonstratives to fully appreciate case facts, those same approaches may be off-putting to judges, arbitrators and other professional triers of fact who often enter the legal dispute at a higher level of sophistication and with more content-specific knowledge than the average layperson.  We have devoted significant time in our practice to the development and use of presentation techniques within ADR settings and use this to our advantage in each arbitration, mediation or hearing we support.

  • Creative Solutions For Settlement Conferences

    While most people assume litigation graphics only belong in the courtroom, more and more trial teams are taking advantage of the benefits multimedia tools offer in the realm of settlement negotiations and conferences. From illustrating the overwhelming evidence in your client’s favor to highlighting what jurors are likely to conclude from the case facts, Precision consultants can help you best prepare a fluid and persuasive position at any stage in the settlement process.

  • Corporate Presentation Development

    While Precision consultants have historically focused on developing presentations for use in litigation, our experience also extends to the development of sophisticated and persuasive presentations for our corporate clients.  Whether you are presenting information to your board of directors, potential clients or in-house staff, our consulting and design team has the tools to help you articulate your points in a clear and compelling manner before any audience.